Look What My Husband Did this Week!

I made this video and published it only to learn my husband didn’t actually do all that. It was our guys Jeff and Rafael who did the kitchen and updated the plumbing and electric and did all the painting. Pat did a lot of other work there I know. And I do know he installed the carpet himself. We used to have a floor covering business and Jeff was Pat’s assistant. It’s a lot of hard work installing carpeting. And Pat did it all by himself. I know that!

We moved in a cash paying tenant to this house. The owner of this property isn’t a fan of Section 8. He would rather take the risk of a newly vetted tenant. The young lady I chose for the property was very patient because we weren’t able to ever show her the place until it was almost move-in ready.

I pride myself on finding tenants before houses are even complete, but I sure don’t enjoy it! It takes a lot of relationship building that a normal property manager doesn’t have time for. I’m not in property management anymore so I’ll do it so we can hurry up and be done and cash out. But I’m truly BURNT OUT of it.

Not only did I have to convince this tenant that we’re legit people and not ripping her off, I also had to convince her dad who lives in Alabama. I was on the phone with him a few times too. He understood the process when I shared it with him. He turned out to be a nice guy, probably closer to my age. We related well! We had fun talking about these “young folks” who want instant answers because that’s what they’re used to with a computer in their hand at all times. There was just too much unknown for his daughter.

The daughter is happily moved in now. She had a brand new stove and refrigerator delivered. She called my husband saying she would have to return them though because she can’t get them out of their boxes or figure out how to “install” them. My husband, having newly “adulted” daughters of his own, took heart. He went over there, unboxed them and slid them into place and plugged them in for her. I guess he had to screw the gas piece on to the stove too.

Pat drove our daughter, Molly, to California. Here is their photo of the first mountains. Pat is beside himself he can’t help her with her appliances and moves to different apartments.

I introduced this new adult tenant to her new property manager. The first thing she did was complain about the construction material left in her yard that Pat has already told her is scheduled to be removed. She wants it removed NOW though. RIGHT NOW!

Did I say…we’re burnt out!