Want to Sell Your House?

Contact Monique Monique@greatdaypm.com

Want to Rent a House?

Great Day Realty, LLC places great tenants in great homes.

Want to Invest in Detroit?

Great Day Property Management is the only start to finish renovation company that takes Detroit blight from rough and vacant to certifiably beautiful and rentable for investors all over the world who know Detroit is the final frontier of real estate investing where the supposedly high risk definitely brings high returns.  

About Us

I am Monique Burns. My Detroit native husband Pat and I started in the flooring business and then started buying our own investment properties in Detroit in 2007. Other investors saw it going well for us and asked us to do the same for them. We are passionate about Detroit and we love being part of the Detroit revival one house at a time.

Great Day Property Management is the only start to finish renovation company that takes Detroit blighted homes from blight to beautiful and rentable. We do t...
If you are investing in Detroit real estate you had better know the people you are trusting with your hard earned investment money. Meet Pat & Monique Burns ...